I have a spelling checker;
It came with my PC.
It plainly marks for my review
Mistakes I cannot see.
I ran this poem through it
You're sure real glad to know.
It's very polished in its way,
My checker told me so.
A checker is a blessing;
It frees you loads of time.
It helps me write, all styles to read,
And aids me when I rhyme.
Each phrase composed upon my screen
I trust to be a jewel;
The checker pores o'er every word
To check some spelling rule.
Before we wrote with checkers
Our spelling was in decline,
But now when we do have a lapse,
We are not made to whine.
But now because my spelling
Is checked with such great flair,
There are no faults within my sight,
Of none I am aware.
Now spelling does not faze me,
It does not bring a tear;
My papers all do gladden
With wrapped words far as near.
To write with care is quite a feat
Of which one should be proud;
And we must do the best we can
So flaws are not allowed.
That's why I break into a verse
Cause I do want to please.
So glad I am that I did buy
This software for PC's.